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Rose Okin

Tutoring. Mentoring. Coaching.

MO headshot

- Culmination of academic success and commercial experience

- Academic ethos born out of North London Collegiate School

- Focused on maximising the potential of every student

- Board Director at leading international ad agency AMV BBDO

- 13 years of client services experience

- Mentoring, training and graduate recruitment

- Client's perspective as a parent of two

The Rose Okin method has been developed over a number of

years and is the culmination of hands-on tutoring experience,

research and the application of wider academic, coaching and mentoring techniques.

The primary focus of our approach is to maximise the potential of every student.

Michelle Okin

Founder & Director

As a member of the board at AMV BBDO Michelle Okin combined client service with training, mentoring and graduate recruitment. She is also a member of the BBC London audience council and has established a home organisation company specialising in domestic management techniques that have enabled individuals to live and work more efficiently.


As a parent herself, she understands the challenges faced by children at school and by parents at home and has adapted and modified her techniques to suit students. These techniques have been a core addition to the Rose Okin method, creating an enhanced focus on time-management, prioritisation, motivation and organisational strategies. Additionally, her experience in graduate recruitment and mentoring students in finding work experience, ideally situates her to assist with CV, university and career advice.


Rose Okin's extensive network of talented tutors now offers a unique and innovative approach to tuition, mentoring and coaching from 7+ preparation to undergraduate support.


Our growth has developed exclusively through word of mouth and recommendation. To see what some of our clients have said about us click here.

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