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Rose Okin

Tutoring. Mentoring. Coaching.


Interview Coaching, Courses, CVs & Personal Statements


Having to think about a future career is a nerve-wracking experience but Michelle gave me the most fantastic support and encouragement. She completely understood what I wanted to do and gave me advice on how to start in the working world, what employers are looking for and how to improve my CV. I am extremely grateful; her help has enabled me to grow in confidence

and take the baby steps to beginning my career.

Emily - Applying for Graduate Schemes


Michelle was fantastic. She guided me with excellent career advice and was a great help in focusing my mind to both my immediate and long term goals. I would absolutely recommend Michelle to anyone who is in a rut and is looking for some advice regarding their career.

Matt - Career Advice


Thank you so much for the pratice interview. He was truly encouraged after he left your place.

Parent of Feyishayo - Interview Practice


This is just to say a big thank you for introducing us to Katie. Kai was especially happy with the outcome of her advice as, to be totally honest, he was quite sceptical to actually take advice from someone who doesn't know him! But Katie was just wonderful - she was quick/efficient but also patient enough to ensure all Kai's points-of-view were well respected and collated into one weighty personal statement.

Parent of Kai - Year 12, Personal Statement


Thank you so much for organising the course.  It was so useful!  Rachel was brilliant.

Jodie - Year 12, Easter Revision course Psychology


The kids seemed to take a lot out of the weekend all was great.

Parent of Sam - Year 11, Science Easter Revision course


He loved Katie. It was a very successful 2 days. Thank you

Parent of James - Year 11, Geography Revision Course


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