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Rose Okin

Tutoring. Mentoring. Coaching.


Organisation Coaching, Revision Coaching and Mentoring


Michelle, I just wanted to thank you for the time that you spent with Shira. She definitely seems more motivated and inspired since she saw you.  She tells me that she is in constant contact with you which is great thanks. Keep up the e mails it seems to spur her on!

Parent of Shira - Year 12, study skills


Thanks so much, you have been a Godsend.

Parent of Chloe, - Year 11 and Olivia - Year 13, mentoring


We were thrilled with Lucy's results which enabled her to get into any of the schools that she had sat for. So thank you to all of your team and look forward to speaking to you when it's my son's turn to do GCSEs.

Parent of Lucy - Year 11, study skills and revision coaching


Duncan enjoyed himself greatly yesterday, he was very impressed with Claire, particularly the fact that she engaged him in a Spanish conversation. Although I did not anticipate this, he relished the opportunity.  In the space of 2 days he has moved from being totally opposed to leaving his state school or receiving mentoring to enthusiasm about Claire's input and a change in school.

Parent of Duncan - Year 11, study skills, English and Spanish


Kate was great. Adam and Kate developed a strong working relationship.   She was fabulous at organizing Adam’s schedule, checking in on him, helping him to structure his study sessions and provided expert input in a number of subjects, particularly English and History.  We are big fans!  Many thanks again for finding Kate for us.

Parent of Adam - Year 11, study skills and revision coaching


Michelle, you have really guided Sophie over the past couple of months, generally organising her, showing her how and where to focus her attention, and more specifically honing her English skills. The thought of revision scared her, purely because she didn't know how to break down each subject into more manageable chunks! So, thanks must go to you for all the time and effort and patience you have shown towards Sophie, and I know it's much appreciated and she really enjoyed your sessions together!

Parent of Sophie - Year 11, English Literature and revision coaching


I never thought I would hear Olivia say it but she told me you are helping her so much, so I just wanted to say thank you!  I believe you could be the answer to my prayers and I just wish I had found you sooner.

Parent of Olivia - Year 11, revision coaching


I'm really delighted with the progress Emma made from your sessions together. She became more focused, more organised and the implemented plan for her revision, allowed her to structure her time much more effectively. Thank you Michelle!

Parent of Emma - Year 11, revision coaching

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